
Our team of highly vetted editors, matching methodology, and editing process are carefully curated and designed to ensure you reach your utmost potential as an author.

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Five Easy Steps
How It Works

Share your work with us through our form


Get matched with a book editor who is right for you


Get a risk-free trial edit to confirm your great match


Determine which edit your manuscript needs


Transform your manuscript into the best possible version of itself

Learn about the process

2024年龙年推荐:澳洲幸运5开奖直播现场计划网 在线查询结果直播开奖-Take your book further
Work with the Best Editors

Our mission is to help emerging authors turn their manuscripts into compelling, saleable books that will make their mark on the world. We’ve worked with several first-time authors who have become New York Times bestsellers among other notable distinctions.

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What Makes Us Different

Everything changes when you have the right support system

Our Matching Methodology

Find Your Perfect Match Without the Hassle

Our team is exclusively comprised of professional editors who go above and beyond to help make your writing the best it can be. We thoughtfully match you with a book editor who has an extraordinary track record in traditional publishing and a genuine enthusiasm for your work.

Explore our proven editing process

Get the Right Edit for You and Your Manuscript

Tested across almost every genre and manuscript type, our professional book editing process is set up to confirm your book editor match and determine which type of edit will benefit you most.

Learn from the book editing experts

澳洲5官网开奖历史查询 幸运澳洲5开奖官网开奖-Knowledgeable Author Support

You'll have a designated associate who will promptly and knowledgeably answer questions about the editing process, our editors, how to prepare your manuscript, how to choose a publishing option, and anything between. You'll have clarity and guidance on each critical decision you for your book.

Author Accolades

Honored by our Bestselling and Award-Winning Authors.

Feature film for Netflix

USA Today Bestseller

Feature Film for Paramount Pictures

Boston Globe Bestseller

Amazon Bestsellers

New York Times Bestsellers

Readers Favorite Award Winner
NIEA Book Awards
NDE Book Awards
Independent Publishers Book Awards
Benjamin Franklin Award
2019 Final
Why Work with 澳洲五168开奖官方号码记录 开奖结果记录查询?

We want to make finding your ideal book editor one of the easiest and most enjoyable parts of your book publishing journey.

We vigorously vet our editors so we only work with the best in the industry. Our unique, customized matchmaking methodology will pair you with a knowledgeable and experienced book editor who is committed to cultivating the best version of your manuscript.

New York Book Editor Authors:

We're privileged to be a part of your journey.

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Your Edit Has an Even Bigger Impact

Every edit provides 3-4 books to a child in a low-income community, where there is just 1 book for every 300 children. Your contribution helps develop critical reading and learning habits.

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The awards keep coming...

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Hundreds of 5-star reviews

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Literary Agent discusses his new NYBE author

Literary Agent discusses his new NYBE author

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